Reaching Out

Each year before Christmas, Providence Seaside Hospital holds their Festival of Trees fundraiser. I was invited to provide an original painting as the official artwork for the 2017 event. It will be used in their promotional material and then auctioned the night of the festivities along with the other donations to help with the health needs of the people in our area. One of my “crinkle” paintings of a forest seemed especially apropos. These watercolors are painted on paper that has been saturated with water and literally wadded into a ball and then flattened back out again to paint on.  The damaged surface accepts the paint in unpredictable ways and the randomness is challenging and rewarding at the same time.  For this watercolor I only crinkled in the bottom 2/3 of the paper.

I’m aware of the allegory found in my work but generally prefer the viewer make those connections themselves.  This watercolor is especially symbolic in my view however.  As humans we are inspired, or “called” if you will, to reach out with compassion and understanding to others needing help.  That often flows best through individuals who have been, or are going through similar challenges.  As we travel through life there’s often visual evidence of the battles we’ve fought.  Additionally, in the natural world, brokenness creates its own unique beauty.  So, there is strength in numbers as we are all in this together and truly need each other in this beautiful but fragile life.


Original Framed Watercolor 28” x 40” – Image 19” x 31 ½” – SOLD – All Rights Reserved