Late, Late Sunset


Traditionally, paintings in low light are known as “Nocturnes” in the art world. These paintings were initially popularized by Whistler, Turner and others well over 100 years ago as artist’s materials allowed them to push the boundaries.

During this time of twilight, it takes a few minutes for our eyes to adjust to the low light but with patience, there is a lot to see. For most of us it is a wonderful time of day with our work done, for now anyway. There is a fine line between rich deep hues and looking contrived. I try to paint right up to that line in the ongoing work I consider my “Sunset Deep Series”. They are intense, but in my view subtle at the same time.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Limited Edition – Signed and Numbered, Open Edition – Signed, Mini Print

Frame Option

Unframed, Malabar (Brown), Cascade (Gray), Matted Only, Small Cascade

Mat Option

None, Talc/Dark Shale, Jet Black/Jet Black, Talc/Balmoral, Seamist/Dark Shale

Purchasing Options:

Framed 11 ½” x 9 ½” – $70

Matted Only 10″ x 8″ – $35

(Prices include shipping via USPS)

For larger print options, click here.

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