

Artists tend to be enamored with light and the way it illuminates everything it touches. My favorite time however is at the end of the day when the sun’s last few rays’ bathe everything in warmth. European Beachgrass was imported well over 100 years ago to stabilize the sand dunes along the West Coast and man, did it do a good job of that. It’s now so much a part of what we think of as dunes, it’s hard to imagine the coast without it. Although considered “invasive” I personally love all it adds to my paintings. The “North Side”, as it’s known, is where I first lived in Cannon Beach with friends in 1972. Our home was on the backside of this dune, about 100 yards to the left from where this was painted. To this day it’s one of my favorite places, filled with great memories. Carol and I frequently watch the sunset from this part of Cannon Beach. The more things change the more they stay the same.

This is an enormous watercolor that took months to complete. The most common question artists are asked is how long did it take you to paint that? In this case, it’s fair to say over 50 years.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Limited Edition – Signed and Numbered, Open Edition – Signed, Mini Print

Frame Option

Unframed, Malabar (Brown), Cascade (Gray), Matted Only, Small Cascade

Mat Option

None, Talc/Dark Shale, Jet Black/Jet Black, Talc/Balmoral

Purchasing Options:

Framed 9 ½” x 11 ½” – $70

Matted Only 8″ x 10″ – $35

(Prices include shipping via USPS)

For larger print options, click here.

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