Gold Rush

I’ve long believed, when you love and are familiar with a specific place, the special moments are recognized easily and consequently appreciated to a greater extent. This broken ridge, on the north side of Hug Point is a chunk of the coast I notice and pay attention to regularly as it’s the halfway point on most of my daily walks. Its graphic nature and rugged beauty grab my attention every time. The hues of the foliage, earth and sandstone pick up the color of light regardless of the time of day. Whether it’s the light reflecting off morning clouds or simply rich salty air illuminated with the warmth of the sun, it’s breathtaking. This was one of those special evenings when the air itself takes on a golden glow bathing everything in warmth. A rush of golden light if you will.


Original Framed Watercolor

Framed 33 ½” x 41 ½” $6,000 – Image 23” x 31 ½”

All Rights Reserved

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