Forest Deep

The starting point in this watercolor was painting the main dark limb on bone dry watercolor paper and letting the paint dry completely. Normally a watercolor is painted from light to dark and large to small, so this was the opposite of what I usually would have done. My plan was to then soak the paper in water, but this painting was too large for my studio sink and I had to find something larger to accommodate my needs. Fortunately, it was raining on the coast (imagine that?). So, I walked out the front door past my son Nate who was cutting frames in the shop and laid the painting face down in a puddle in the street. After a few minutes and a good soaking, I wadded it into a ball and then flattened it out again. As I walked back by him, with a smile on his face he commented “I wish I’d taken a video of that”. That probably would have been a good idea, perhaps someday. I came up with the name “Crinkle Paintings” for this series of watercolors, but I didn’t invent the technique. To be honest I’m not sure where I first heard of it. With this approach there is a cavalier, randomness that challenges my “control issues”. It’s sometimes good for artists to work without a net.


Original Framed Watercolor 27 ½” x 34 ½”  – Image 17 ½” x 24” SOLD – All Rights Reserved